Angular Snippets for Sublime Text

If you develop AngularJS applications, sometimes you can forget the syntax for the numerous amount of services you can build.  I ran into this situation and finally figured that I would create these Angular snippets for Sublime Text to help me out.  I’ve written them to be inline and chainable, meaning you need to define your “app” […]

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Financial Symmetry Client Center

Over at Nevis Technology, I’ve been a part of an exciting project in conjunction with Financial Symmetry.  We’ve been developing a client-facing product that brings their client’s financial plan online and easily accessible to view, make changes to, or respond to advisor recommendations.  It’s a completely custom product that connects with Financial Symmetry‘s internal system […]

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Did You Know Git May Be Exposing Sensitive Information About Your Site?

It’s true, the information from the file revisioning tool that developers rely on could be getting into the wrong hands.  Having your server set up correctly to block hidden files and directories is important.  Test your site, and see if you can go to http://<>/.git.  If you can, you’ve got a serious security issue you […]

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Solution for When WP Admin is Blank

You may have heard of the “white screen of death” with WordPress sites.  This article may help resolve that issue, especially if it’s a plugin causing the issue. I ran into the issue recently where I needed to update a client website and when I logged into wp-admin, the sidebar was there, but the content […]

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Upgrading Ubuntu Server 13.04

I ran into a circular issue – I needed a git feature, subtree, but the version of git I had didn’t have that feature.  In trying to update git with apt-get, I found that the packages on Ubuntu Server 13.04 aren’t kept up to date anymore. I did edit the sources list that fixes the […]

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