While working on the JoshuaLozoff.com site, he wanted to have a popup Mailchimp form. There are other ways to do it, like a Gravity Forms form that syncs to Mailchimp, but using the Subscriber Pop-Up form within Mailchimp allowed him to design and maintain the form himself. However, it doesn’t work on a click-basis (at […]
I thought this was funny and had to share! Source: Reddit
The video will take you through the process I use to detect if there’s an issue and what steps I take to clean the server. Once you’ve determined there’s an issue, let’s start by collecting IPs from the access logs. nano /var/log/nginx/access.log Some things to look for: POST actions /wp-login.php (easier to determine with sites […]
I came across a scenario where I wanted to highlight a whole row if one cell in that row had a value. It’s quite easy once you know how. Here’s how I did it. This example is in Google Sheets, but Excel should work the same way. Open Conditional Formatting under Format > Conditional Formatting […]
A situation came up a franchise site that is a WordPress multisite installation, where we wanted to dynamically populate the signup location property for segmentation, set with the website URL. Following these instructions doesn’t work for this situation, though it is close. https://kb.mailchimp.com/lists/signup-forms/determine-webpage-signup-location. We also can’t do something like this (it didn’t seem to work): […]

I host many websites (most of them WordPress) and I have a plugin I add for my clients in /mu-plugins/. It’s just some standard settings I want across all sites, including a menu item in the admin, like WPEngine, where my clients can click and read about NevTec Hosting, request help, etc. I have a […]

[amazon_link asins=’B01LTHXAO0,B01LTHXAOU’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’tjnebl-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2c23c97c-d8e2-11e6-928d-5be15f8e5b30′] My new MacBook Pro 15 inch with Touch Bar and Touch ID just came yesterday. I quickly got it set up by transferring settings and apps from my “old” mid-2014 MacBook Pro. Is the new 2016 MacBook Pro worth getting? In short, yes. Especially if you’re a tech geek or […]
I had a little bit of a struggle getting FTPS to connect and list the directory when logged in. I was getting errors 550, connect aborted by remote server on FileZille, error 162 PORT FAILED on Transmit. The regular FTP, port 21, was working fine, but moving to a more secure method, FTPS, that uses […]
Also check out: Using PHP Lambda Functions with WordPress add_action() and add_filter() Functions There are 2 hooks necessary to 1) create the drop down, and 2) to filter the actual query to show the results. With 1 taxonomy, it doesn’t really matter, but the more taxonomies you have and want filterable in the WordPress admin, […]
I’m a fan of anonymous functions and reusable function definitions, like PHP lambda functions in JavaScript. I’ve used anonymous functions in WordPress development where possible, so for example: add_filter(‘widget_text’, function($html) { if( strpos($html,'<?php’) !== false ) { ob_start(); eval(‘?>’ . $html); // Close the current PHP tag…the contents we’ll get will have <?php ?> tags […]