How to Get FREE Hosting For Your WordPress Site

There can be times where in a pricing structure, it’s extremely favorable for small bloggers or someone starting a business.  In the case of OpenShift, a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that Red Hat offers, it’s the perfect way to get free hosting for your WordPress site.  You do have to be a little technical, and have experience with the command line, however, they have some tutorials that can aid even a command line novice.

Here’s a Getting Started guide –, you should read through chapters 2 and 3.  Once you get that set up, which can be difficult, you can set up your WordPress install through the web interface.  Administering the site from there is pretty easy.  You build locally and push to a git repo which restarts the server with your changes, which can be seen semi-immediately (after the restart).

This solution isn’t recommended for everyone, but if you have some technical skills and you’re looking for something free, check this out.  From there, you can set up a DNS CNAME record to your subdomain.