I came across a scenario where I wanted to highlight a whole row if one cell in that row had a value. It’s quite easy once you know how. Here’s how I did it. This example is in Google Sheets, but Excel should work the same way. Open Conditional Formatting under Format > Conditional Formatting […]
I moved to Raleigh, NC just over 10 years ago. I travel home to Rochester, NY about 3 times a year to see family and friends, get away on a cheap vacation, and to dog and house sit while my mom goes on vacation. When I’m here to dog and house sit, I always have […]
With a new President comes complaints about some everyday topics like taxes, jobs, health care, retirement / social security, other government programs, etc. One topic I’d like to touch on just briefly is taxes. When taxes go up for any bracket, there’s uproar. One bracket that I’m for going up is for the “rich”. What […]
2 days ago we had tornado watches and warnings here in Raleigh, NC. The whole day consisted of a lot of wind and periods of heavy rain and then sun. It makes for an interesting time lapse video. Enjoy! Taken with an AXIS M3027 fisheye camera.
This post isn’t meant to be braggy, but more about passing 2 years owning a business and that it’s not as daunting as it seems to transition from working for someone to working for yourself. I’ve been a “solopreneur” so far in my venture with Nevis Technology, so all of my experiences may not match […]
Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I’m thinking about where I’m at with my goals. Part of it is I get impatient and I want to do better. For example, at the beginning of each year, I think I of saving a certain amount of money, repairs to my cars, things to do to the house, etc. I can feel […]

I love playing simulator games on my iPad. Even though I have numerous games I already like, I’m always trying new ones just for a different experience. I’ve downloaded most of the realistic simulators from the app store and these are the 6 best simulator games worth paying for. Rortos Flight Engine has a lot […]

I try to be as efficient as possible, it’s something I’ve always strived for. Something can always be done faster, automated, or cleaned up. These apps are geared towards productive users, not just the average web surfer. This is NOT a sponsored post and I’m not getting a commission from any of these links. These […]
Learning new things can be fun, but it’s really annoying that when you’ve got things figured out and you’re starting to get some consistency, something changes and you have to start all over again. So many businesses these days open, and if they don’t make a ton of money really quickly, they close. Same with […]

In this post, I’m going to introduce you to the list of 10 books every entrepreneur should read. I’d also recommend them to any small business owner, sole proprietor, or even manager at a larger company. These are all books that I’ve personally read and found to be helpful in my journey as a small business owner. […]